Hey! I’m Roxy.
happy wife, messy mum, multiple business owner, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, travel lover, chocoholic, course junkie, girl geek, sports superfan, book binger, block buster, emotional empath.

Feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of guilt and pressure?
Just feel like everyone wants you to fix everything?
I’ve SO been in your shoes.
My passion is empowering and supporting busy people.
Back in my corporate career days, I was known as the girl who would ‘get stuff done’. I thrived on late nights, short deadlines and high pressure, surrounded by trailblazing women who talked fast, aimed high and taught me valuable life lessons…
That you can be confident and kind… glam and giving… career-driven and caring.
I was the fixer, the rock, the one who had a knack for understanding people’s feelings and sorting out messes.
And then I couldn’t anymore!
I can’t even really tell you what happened. My darling Grandad died. That man was my hero – and I don’t really know what happened next – but I fell into my first ever experience of depression. I used to look around the house I worked to buy, by myself, reflected on my brilliant job and absolutely felt like I had no right to be depressed.
I went to the GP and was prescribed Sertraline. I also worked for Cadbury at the time – and they offered me sessions with their psychologist. What a guy this man was. Honestly – he set me on this path (though we didn’t know it at the time) and gave me tools, tricks and techniques to change my thinking. He gave me education on how our brain works and was absolutely a funny, down to earth bloke on my level. A few months later I was off the meds and ready to step back into life again!
But everything was different.
I didn’t want to step back into life where I’d left it. I revisited all my childhood career aspirations and decided to retrain and applied for a degree course as a nurse. I quit my corporate life and worked in several care-aligned jobs; in a nursing home, in the community, in a profound, multiple learning disabilities setting and in hospitals. I started my nursing career and then I fell pregnant.
The world tipped upside down again…
I realised I didn’t want to be doing 12 hour shifts in hospitals with a baby, and decided to re-train in mental health. When my son was born I set up my private practice, Mind Matters Therapies Ltd, and it was quickly successful. I was in the loveliest life place, but I was entirely unprepared for being a parent. It blew everything I knew out of the water. I basically HATED being a mum and felt the guilt from that. My darling husband persuaded me to go to the doctor and for the second, and final (I hope!) time I was diagnosed with depression. This time, I was prescribed the meds, but decided not to take them yet, and instead went back to the tools I already had. What a difference it made. Once I realised exactly where I was at, and stopped fighting how out of control my life was now that it didn’t just belong to me, I could start to make the changes!
Another child on, I’m so supremely content and settled. I KNOW how to play this life game. I know how to keep the balance slightly in my favour and I know how to prioritise my needs. I realised that actually within my family that if I’m happy then generally my husband and kids are too. And if they’re not, I’m in a better place to deal with it anyway!
It’s time to forget who the world thinks you should be…
and start being who you want to be.

I’m an award-winning therapist, women’s empowerment advocate and Pringles addict.
I’m an entrepreneur and fully qualified mental health therapist with professional qualifications in clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, coaching, nutritional therapy and stress management (and a whole heap more). Quite a mouthful right!
Before building my own business, I had a past life as a corporate sales lady in a very well-known confectionery company (Cadbury, and yes, I got free chocolate!) I worked in law, media and retail before I became disheartened with the ethics and attitudes. I then moved into a successful career in the care and medical industry where I worked in hospitals, nursing homes and in the community.
It was tough… but I loved it.
I became aware of the fact that many patients and relatives were unable to access supportive mental health services that they required within a reasonable time frame. This – and the birth of my first son, Charley, in 2014 – inspired me to create Mind Matters Therapies Ltd, an award-winning private practice, helping clients to overcome mental, physical and emotional issues.
I’ve now worked globally with hundreds of women over the past ten years.
I understand you, you see! I get the mental load we juggle that even the most wonderful of men like my husband definitely doesn’t have. I know about your invisible and unending to-do list, all the people that depend on you, the birthdays to organise, wash loads to do and the constant teetering on the edge of “what have I forgotten?”
My best skills lie in how quickly I can untangle you to see what the underlying issue actually is, how down to earth and completely straightforward I am and how I can make any changes that will help you seem so, so easy!!
I’d love to work with you!
Therapy is such a weird word for lots of people. Mental health is starting to be viewed as equally important as our physical health – yet it still has a stigma that you must be “weak” if you want to work on your mental health. It’s utter bollocks! The strongest people are the ones who reach out for help when they see space for improvement – before things get too rough.
If you’re considering therapy – just get in touch. I’d want you to chat to me first and make sure you click with me. It’s super important that you trust me and feel that I get you. Your initial session is £120 – after that sessions are £160 an hour, a 4 session package is £560 (save 16%) or an 8 session package for £960 (save 25%).
You’re very welcome to come to me in the Chesterfield area, or we can do it via video call.
I really am an expert in my field! I’ve trained and worked in mental health for years and helped hundreds of people.
To see how we can work together drop me a line below, or email me on roxy@roxyrhodesonline.com.